Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Zhang Jie and Xie Na proves that a plain and simple love is the best one

[361 shares] [1985 comments] [6170 likes]

1. [+1680] You call this plain too?? They come out for sympathy every few days and cry about how hard they have it. Mucus and tears! What a pity they aren’t actors!

2. [+1121] I don’t want to see this couple, ok?

3. [+849] I get annoyed whenever I see Xie Na’s hot search. I feel bad for my Jie-ge :)
-[+732] I’m sorry but Singer Jie belongs to his fans, Husband Jie belongs to Na-jie, Daddy Jie belongs to his kids, while Son Jie belongs to his parents. None of them have anything to do with you, so please leave!

4. [+678] ????? This hot search???

5. [+666] Plain and simple? It’s not... at all, isn’t it?

6. [+486] 

7. [+302] A bought hot search. Aren't you sick after showing off your love? Greasier than AB and Huang Xiaoming

8. [+170] So little comments and shares. How did this get on the hot search?

9. [+163] I'm so speechless. Don't you find it awkward getting on the hot search for no rhyme or reason? I was wondering what happened

Qiu rejects Aaron Yan’s apology; Yan bursts into tears, denying that he filmed the explicit video

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