Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Nichkhun looks greasier with weight gain and receding hairline

 P1 & P2 are recent pics while P3 is an old photo

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1. [+8330] His peak during WGM is unforgettable

2. [+7181] ? Can you give me the definition of greasiness?? He just gained a little weight and you call him greasy. Did your mum teach you to insult others this brainlessly? 

3. [+4840] I think celebs like them can lose weight whenever they want to and they become extremely handsome once they do

4. [+2499] First pic... kinda looks like Shen Teng

5. [+1677] You’re forbidding him from aging? He’s not that ugly anyway. He’s still okay

6. [+1058] He’s still handsome but he’ll look better with some weight loss

7. [+884] ??? Do you need to question Nichkhun’s visuals?? He loses weight in a fraction of a minute, no?

8. [+499] Gege is greasy just because his hair is long now????? Will you look like how you looked in your twenties ten years later???

9. [+323] It’s not just an issue of his hairline, right?

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