Monday, January 14, 2019

Chun Xia tests the standards of her beauty with a T magazine photoshoot

[1183 shares] [6393 comments] [8232 likes]

1. [+29k] She failed the test

2. [+16k] I think it’s a no

3. [+11k] She was never attractive in the first place

4. [+9027] Not really attractive

5. [+5192] Like a man, I’m sorry

6. [+4078] Ang...

7. [+3632] She’s brave

8. [+1902] So ugly

9. [+1763] I’m sorry but I can’t appreciate this cover

10. [+1513] The wing of her nose is a little wide...

11. [+1347] She looks like teacher Song Dandan if you look at her longer 

Qiu rejects Aaron Yan’s apology; Yan bursts into tears, denying that he filmed the explicit video

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