Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Rocket Girls puts up a messy performance for Hunan TV’s 2018-2019 New Year’s Eve concert, ‘like a rollercoaster ride’

(T/N: pic from the internet, vid in link)

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1. [+19k] Someone fought for screen time. Someone cracked her voice. Someone trembled like mad. I laughed to death. The sisters of the mediaplay group.
-[+9089] No, isn’t it basic duty for singers to sing live? You have to praise this like it’s a merit
-[+7366] Fans these days are so daring with their speech [vomit] this group’s standard is so bad you have to expect less out of them than anyone else
-[+6086] Shouldn’t they sing live? What do you mean at least this proves they sang live?

2. [+12k] Sunnee is still okay

3. [+12k] Objectively speaking, Li Ziting, Zi Ning, and Sunne are still okay

4. [+7784] Wu Xuanyi sang so well

5. [+5592] I actually thought Wu Xuanyi was okay

6. [+4839] I think there wasn’t a thing wrong with Wu Xuanyi

7. [+4574] Sunnee was stable <3

8. [+3659] Among all the members, Ziting, Sunnee, Xuanyi, and Big Juan are okay. As for the rest...

9. [+3079] Sunnee was seriously stable

10. [+2639] Sunnee Yang Yunqing sang so well. So cool

11. [+2557] The short hair girl Sunnee Yang Yunqing’s live was pretty stable!!

12. [+2011] Sunnee was really stable

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