Sunday, December 3, 2017

Liu Yifei confirmed for Disney's Mulan

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1. [+12k] Looking at it like this, they do look similar

2. [+77396] It seems like her aura is similar to Hua Mulan’s <3 <3 <3 knows wushu, very heroic! Anticipating your fighting scenes!

3. [+6617] Liu Yifei, Hua Mulan, anticipating anticipating

4. [+4940] Good at both fighting scenes and English. She is completely suitable! Congratulations Liu Yifei

5. [+4630] Congratulations Liu Yifei!!! This is awesome!! Anticipating her fighting scenes

6. [+3462] I watched The Chinese Widow and think Liu Yifei is pretty good

7. [+2797] Be fully prepared and you’ll do a good job. Opportunities will always come to those who prepare

8. [+2157] Liu Yifei’s fighting scenes are truly good

9. [+2109] Good English, good fighting scenes, good character~ not everyone has the rights to be chosen~ this choice is understandable, thinking about it, she’s pretty suitable

10. [+1995] Anticipating that over the next few days, Yang Mi will announce that she is partaking too or that her company is making an exclusive Mulan drama. Then, ‘there will be no other Mulans after (apart from) Yang Mi’ (will trend)

Qiu rejects Aaron Yan’s apology; Yan bursts into tears, denying that he filmed the explicit video

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