Friday, January 12, 2018

Li Xiaolu’s chats exposed: her attitude towards Jia Nailiang VS other men

With Jia Nailiang.
Green: Li Xiaolu, White: Jia Nailiang
Basic summary: Jia Nailiang usually tells Li Xiaolu about his day with Tian Xin (their daughter) and reassures Li Xiaolu that she can work peacefully as Tian Xin is very sensible and happy. Li Xiaolu's responses are curt as seen above.

Li Xiaolu's chat with Cao Yunjin.
Green: Li Xiaolu, White: Cao Yunjin
As seen, Li Xiaolu appears more enthusiastic in this conversation even when Cao Yunjin's replies may be short.
Basic summary: Li Xiaolu shares that Tian Xin's real name is actually Jia Yunxin. Perhaps because both Cao Yunjin and Jia Yunxin has a 'Yun', Li Xiaolu constantly teases Cao Yunjin, asking him to call her 'mum' etc.

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1. [+11k] The old Sir Wan was once an honorable person, so let us all just spit at him before leaving

2. [+9776] It breaks my heart to see Jia Nailiang so enthusiastically type out each and every word

3. [+9239] Pics 1-2 from Li Xiaolu’s Weibo, 3-4 from Cao Jinyun’s Weibo :)

4. [+8244] Li Xiaomi is just coquettish! It’s not that she doesn’t love Jia Nailiang. She is just fearless because she knows he loves her. She’s just not satisfied with what she already has. Showing other men abundant feelings only means that she’s being a slut who doesn’t know how to cherish what she has.

5. [+7512] You can just imagine her chat with PGone. Would it not be more disgusting?

6. [+7005] I wonder if everyone else has seen interviews from the past. Jia Nailiang’s mum often feels bad when she thinks Li Xiaolu will be tired from filming. She even prepares water for Li Xiaolu to soak her legs and rest. The entire family truly treats this daughter-in-law so well. I’ve never seen someone who doesn’t know how to cherish her own happiness to this extent.

7. [+3177] Li Xiaolu is so fucking disgusting

8. [+2697] PGone is a jerk singing about low-class character. He’s always using the word ‘fucker’ and he thinks he’s a winner when he’s actually a loser pretending to be a rapper. Quickly return to your sewer and be a protected flower. Lastly, I want to say, it’s me who is the king of rappers!!!

9. [+2176] Why is no one scolding Li Xiaolu?

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