Thursday, March 21, 2019

Ouyang Nana proves her political stand on Weibo: “I come from China”

(T/N: pic take from a comment)

[12k shares] [36595 comments] [93k likes]

1. [+115k] So can you post the same content on ins and Facebook?
-[+22k] Amazing. I just refreshed and a 14k comment got deleted
-[+20k] The previous 14k comment got deleted
-[+16k] She was present when her mum showed support for a cult
-[+14k] How did the top comment disappear!!!!
-[+10k] The 14k was around earlier, I refreshed and it’s now gone

2. [+47k] I quite like Nana. She’s pretty and amazing, but there’s no such thing as idols in the face of our country. I cannot tolerate pro Taiwan independence. Last year, you didn’t repost “This is China, not one bit less”. Anyone can say pretty words. I’m not picking on you. It’s only because I am Chinese.

3. [+27k] How about changing your Weibo verification to China Taiwan artiste

4. [+19k] What about your family? I don’t want my idol to be brought up by a pro Taiwan independence family

5. [+19k] How should I say this... just take actual actions. Many Taiwanese artistes have posted on Weibo claiming they love China and support a dual system for one country.

6. [+11k] What about your dad?

7. [+9145] Your dad made an official statement rejecting one China. Are you aware? Are you privately supporting the development of your father’s “pro Taiwan independence career”? Have you provided him with the relevant financial support?

8. [+8180] Post on fb once and I’ll believe you

9. [+4797] Chinese youth

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