Sunday, March 11, 2018

Jelly Lin’s (Lin Yun) past photos as a bridesmaid prove that she has always been a fresh face beauty

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1. [+4705] You can whitewash even after she has committed school violence?
-[+603] A lifetime of hate towards school violence. However, some people these days have utterly no morals. Anyone can become (their) idols!
-[+584] Every time someone comments about Fei Xia’s school violence, I like the comment. I think it’s best this issue is never forgotten. Why does the bully just live a better and better life?

2. [+1595] A bunch of people claiming she committed school violence as though they personally witnessed it. Be reasonable. I’m just a passerby. How about the next time haters claiming that they will hate (her) for life bring up some photo evidence and we can all watch the drama together? All you do is follow the crowd and you think you’re a person of such superb morals and values? Nope, not interested in a fight, thank you!

3. [+1253] Don’t bother whitewashing. All day long, I scroll and see her. It’s as though she’s afraid people will forget that Fei Xia once beat people up! I didn’t like her to begin with. Once I see her everyday, I grow to detest her 

4. [+880] Both Lin Yun’s face and figure are indeed pretty good

5. [+612] Focus more on her works. This girl doesn’t have it easy either.

6. [+431] You don’t need to question her visuals. Stephen Chow isn’t blind either. Why must you choose her out of hundreds or even thousands of people? The majority who dislike her don’t dislike her because of her looks anyway

7. [+399] Oh, so Fei Xia beat someone and was locked up

8. [+287] I don’t detest her because she did plastic surgery but because she has horrible character! She sells the pitiful act all day long!

9. [+240] Indeed she hit someone’s face and even tore her eardrums

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