Friday, March 15, 2019

Chen Bolin, Kai Ko, and Wang Talu revealed to have visited Seungri’s nightclub

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1. [+13k] Wow, after such a long time, he finally got on the hot search. What strong backing

2. [+8775] He can go with anyone or even alone. But if he goes with Seungri, Seungri must’ve gotten him some

3. [+7255] You can count on Kai Ko’s appearance every time there is such news. If it’s not over for him, who’s going to be over? He’s still acting all pitiful on ins. It’s seriously over for him

4. [+4655] I read Weibo last night and had tea for an hour. I read a comment that said we thought we were drinking imported tea. On second look, we realized it was made in China

5. [+2573] Wow, so this drama not only shook Korea, but also involved China Taiwan.

6. [+2394] What’s Dou Xiao doing there?

7. [+1523] Wang Talu, Kai Ko, and Chen Bolin has always been part of the nightclub scene

8. [+1118] There’s nothing wrong with going to nightclubs. It’s normal life. The problem is they went with Seungri

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