Monday, March 11, 2019

[REQ] Zhao Liying gives birth to a son + Feng Shaofeng enters the hospital carrying a baby basket

(T/N: Only the second pic of the first news and the first pic of the second news are used. This is a request received via twitter DM. Thank you for the request! Do let me know if it’s insufficient. Both derived from Sina Ent.) 

News: Zhao Liying gives birth to a son

[2767 shares] [15969 comments] [64k likes]
1. [+8890] All I wish to say now is that Mama Ying suffered for ten months! Mother and son are safe. The baby is healthy <3

2. [+6278] A few days ago, they clarified about 3rd March being the estimated date, no? Today’s 8th March, thanks! To some of you, please respect yourselves! It’s a great day today so I shall not argue with y’all. Congrats congrats

3. [+5526] Congrats goddess!

4. [+4492] Congrats Zhao Liying, you have my blessings

5. [+4098] Congrats to Liying for giving birth to a baby

6. [+3567] Congrats!

7. [+2630] Congrats! It feels like they suddenly got married and suddenly had a baby

8. [+2501] Best wishes, best wishes~

9. [+2403] Congrats Baby Ying

10. [+1811] Congrats sis

11. [+1666] Wow, congrats, congrats


News: Feng Shaofeng carries a baby basket to the hospital

[173 shares] [1022 comments] [6318 likes]
1. [+3728] The last warmth you can give them is to not disturb them

2. [+2776] You guys worked hard. Please go home and rest well. Thanks for giving us news updates about our Liying.

3. [+2635] Give her some space. Stop focusing so much on her. Thanks. Y’all have worked hard. Go home and rest well

4. [+2208] All reporters, y’all have worked hard. Go home and get some warmth. As fans, we aren’t anxious. We can wait for Liying to update us herself 

5. [+1884] My god, stop disrupting their private lives 

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