Saturday, March 16, 2019

The average Chinese has a sleep time of 9 hours, leaving the French in envy

(T/N: pic from the internet)

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1. [+50k] I get in bed at 9 and sleep at 2

2. [+43k] Who goes to bed at 9? Even elementary school kids are unable to go to bed at 9. They’re forced by homework, who can go to bed at 9? Those younger than 6 and older than 65?

3. [+32k] Raise your hand if you sleep less than 9 hours

4. [+23k] The Chinese go to bed at 9? You’re talking about the elderly, aren’t you?

5. [+11k] I’m sorry I don’t take afternoon naps at work and I held our average back. I’m guilty!

6. [+11k] The average Chinese sleeps 9 hour and the average Chinese works overtime for 10 hours... are the French still envious?

7. [+10k] I’ve been averaged again. I feel that I sleep less than 7 hours a day

8. [+5180] Have you seen a 90 liner who sleeps at 9?

9. [+2721] They’re talking about civil servants

10. [+2612] They’re talking about the Chinese elderly

11. [+2282] If you don’t take afternoon naps, you’ll have a breakdown in the afternoon

12. [+2257] Investigate our holidays. See if ours are the shortest. We can only sleep and work.

13. [+2146] To prevent us from envying the French’s holidays, you’re forcibly writing a huge news about French envying us

14. [+1822] 6 hours a day without afternoon nap

15. [+1797] Maybe I’m Not Chinese

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