Sunday, March 17, 2019

Chen Bolin updates Instagram, seemingly in response to recent controversy, “... A beautiful world with irresponsible comments.”

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1. [+41k] Famous clubber who likes fresh models. He’s not Daren*-ge. Don’t be cheated...
(T/N: a role he played)
-[+12k] I have no idea whether he broke the law or not but those words of his are just vomit-inducing. What kind of people has he been hanging out with? He’s trying to act like he’s the only one untainted among them? He thinks he’s some white lotus flower*? [vomit]
(T/N: *loose trans: refers to people who act all pure and innocent when they’re really dirty inside)
-[+12k] Back then when Kai Ko and Jaycee Chan were exposed for doing drugs, Chen—being their closest friend—was embroiled into a controversy too. Now that Seungri’s nightclub is under fire, Chen is found to be close to him too. This...
-[+9154] Hasn’t he always loved fooling around?
-[+6338] He may have broken the law. It just wasn’t exposed
-[+4966] Wasn’t he involved in Jaycee Chan’s drug scandal? I wonder how he got out of it.
-[+4701] His hot search was already gone and he had to send himself back up

2. [+11k] Clubber

3. [+5682] Famous clubber who likes fresh models. He’s not Daren-ge. Don’t be cheated...

4. [+3861] He’s speaking as though he totally didn’t go and is unaware about it. So many tricks up his sleeves

5. [+2817] So who’s the ignorant one here?

6. [+2436] Won’t you get diseased with such a messy private life?
-[+462] If his private life is so messy, he must know a lot about sex and prevention

7. [+2019] Don’t get attached to their characters. They’re all selling a persona. They all love to fool around

8. [+1434] Even though I like his visuals, he’s seriously not Li Daren
-[+722] What visuals? He looks so sloppy
-[+439] I’m glad I totally don’t like his visuals. He seems so greasy
-[+378] I don’t find him handsome

9. [+1326] How can you say such words? You know clearly in your heart and our eyes are bright. Don’t treat us as fools. It was just spilled bits of tea so it’s whatever when you released an official statement. What’s up with your tone now? As if we maligned you

10. [+1037] Quickly get lost. You’re playing around with those two drug addicts all day long. What does this mean? Birds of the same feather flock together. Do you still think you’re aggrieved?

11. [+951] What’s the problem if he goes to nightclubs as long as he doesn’t do things against the law? Not like he does drugs, porn, or gambling. A bunch of normal people go clubbing too
-[+1523] You’re right. What’s up with nightclubs? It just so happened he went to Seungri’s nightclub that does pimping, pornography, and drugs. It just so happens that his two friends do drugs. But he still remains untainted!
-[+1394] Our main point isn’t whether he goes clubbing or not but who he goes with. Look at those people

12. [+793] Aiyowei, where's your shame?

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