Saturday, March 16, 2019

Seungri under suspicion for tax evasion

(T/N: video of news in link. pic from previous posts posted on our website.)

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1. [+34k] Money laundering + tax evasion + sex entertainment + mob fight + drugging + doing drugs + drug trafficking + gambling + international pimping + bribery + allowing underage people into nightclubs + non-consent filming + drug rape + colluding with businessmen. Seungri-gege, you’re seriously, extremely, incomparably amazing!

2. [+15k] Hahahahahaha what are Brain-damaged fans whitewashing for? Y’all think you’re bleaching agent?

3. [+10k] Lee Seungri who blossoms everywhere

4. [+8406] It’s fine if you do international pimping, now you’re doing international tax evasion too! Our Seungri oppa is totally the Ace among all the criminals!!!

5. [+4895] Wow he’s the absolute man

6. [+3236] ?? Money laundering??

7. [+2930] So he went out and commit all the crimes possible??

8. [+2400] Wow I suddenly think he has such endless vigor. He’s not bald after doing all these things. He can prepare to write a book on his secrets to good health

9. [+2150] Lee Seungri: I must commit all the crimes possible

10. [+1478] They already got on CCTV-4. Even my grandpa knows a Korean celeb called Lee Seungri is about to squat in jail

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