Tuesday, March 26, 2019

90 liners known to be the generation who lacks sleep the most

Some statistics:
(1) 84% suffer from sleep problems
(2) 1/3 sleep only at 1
(3) 3/4 sleep after 11

(T/N: pic from the internet. original link has none.)

[18k shares] [18958 comments] [30k likes]

1. [+20k] So the other 2/3 sleep at 4?

2. [+14k] Staying up late a night feels good momentarily. Staying late all the time feels good all the time

3. [+13k] There actually exists 1/4 who sleep before 11?

4. [+8133] So you’re saying it’s a miracle 90 liners are even alive

5. [+7003] I’m different. I pull an all-nighter

6. [+5347] I thank heaven and earth if I am able to sleep before 12

7. [+2757] Sometimes, it’s not like you can sleep just because you want to

8. [+2009] For a long time, I've only been able to sleep at around 2. I'm exhausted

9. [+1782] Am I the only one who cannot stay up late? Once I do, I take days to adjust

10. [+1199] How did y’all lambast 90 liners back then? Who’s the one causing 90 liners all the stress now?

11. [+998] So you’re saying it’s a miracle 90 liners are even alive

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