[194 shares] [1772 comments] [13k likes]
1. [+3062] Luhan’s eyes look so good he will look loving even if he’s looking at Fucker Wang. Stop imagining things and let him have his birthday peacefully
2. [+1723] I think there’s nothing wrong with Guan Xiaotong. Why is she always hated?
3. [+1583] Guan Xiaotong looks so good in the first pic
4. [+1064] Stop the mediaplay or it’ll be embarrassing if things get ugly in the end
5. [+850] I truly think Guan is so ugly
6. [+654] I quite like Guan Xiaotong. I hope they will be together forever :)
7. [+618] Happy birthday Lu-ge
8. [+419] The Guan Xiaotong you do not think well of happens to be the one being wooed... all day you insist they break up while they are living well. Your insults towards Guan Xiaotong will only make Luhan feel more guilty and he will be extra good to her! Luhan is already 28 and Guan Xiaotong is only 18. We can already tell whose future is going to be better. Furthermore, we can say we watched her grow up, she is clean and pure, why can't you just wish them well?
9. [+304] Love has always been a two way thing
10. [+251] You must, must, must be cruelly happy
11. [+212] Luhan is so cute hahaha
12. [+199] Feels like the love of youngsters
13. [+172] They are a pretty good pair. Why are there so many insults? Guan Xiaotong is a great girl too
14. [+162] Am I the only one who thinks they look like husband and wife?
15. [+135] Hehe, putting up a show