Friday, February 1, 2019

Man beats up his own wife and mother-in-law in order to protect his mistress

(T/N: pic from the internet. vid in link)

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1. [+14k] Fuck. A man like this should die

2. [+8987] He’s fitting to be called a man? He’s worse than a dog

3. [+7624] This mother-in-law should examine her injuries and have him pay the highest price before going to his company to tarnish his reputation. Let a loser like him have nothing left apart from his mistress. Go live in hell.

4. [+4051] Why isn’t a man like this dead yet?

5. [+2554] If it was me, I would’ve brought a knife and hacked him

6. [+1762] To hell. If it was my mum and I, this man would be in pieces

7. [+1173] This man has horrendous character

8. [+924] Worse than Wu Xiubo

9. [+316] Watching this man makes me want to hack him to death

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