Saturday, February 2, 2019

Ace vs Ace: Guan Xiaotong’s long and thin legs are to be envied

(T/N: vid in link, pic from Sohu)

[1960 shares] [11389 comments] [39k likes]

1. [+21k] Legs legs legs on the hot search all day long. Legs my ass. Have you never seen legs before?
-[+7265] This horrid temper of yours... I like it

2. [+16k] She’s really a leg demoness. Her legs are not just long but straight too.

3. [+10k] What hot search is this??

4. [+9917] This hot search 😣 You don’t find it awkward? Is there an important info that I overlooked?? Or is this seriously just about her legs?

5. [+7423] Quit buying water army. Enough. You need to get on the hot search just for going on a variety show? You have nothing else?

6. [+4075] Wow this purchased hot search is amazing

7. [+3259] Guan Xiaosong is seriously tall by nature and it’s not something that can be envied

8. [+2754] I can find a bunch of girls who are 1.7m+ with such legs around me. This so seriously nothing rare so stop marketing your legs. How many rounds has it been?

9. [+2692] As a girl, I’m really envious of her legs and I’m anticipating her performance in the show

10. [+2446] What’s this smelly fish rotten prawn buying hot search all day long?

11. [+2204] Buying a hot search then paying for a group of water army, is that not awkward?

12. [+1995] Wow the very first hot search coming out of nowhere. I refuse to believe the entire country keeps thinking about Guan Xiaotong’s legs. Do they have nothing better to do?

13. [+1835] Am I the only one who finds this awkward...

14. [+1552] ... this became the top hot search so quickly it’s awkward

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