Wednesday, February 27, 2019

7 months pregnant, Liu Shishi spotted shopping for shoes in Taipei

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1. [+9009] Liu Shishi’s aura is too good

2. [+5504] I wanna know why celebs are still so skinny despite being pregnant

3. [+4581] Auntie fans are anticipating Little Xinba

4. [+2493] This is such old news. Why is it even posted? Should anticipate her next drama instead, starring Liu Shishi, Tong Dawei, and Bao Jianfeng

5. [+2210] She’s about to give birth already and she’s half my size during my binging period

6. [+1758] Wow. This is not something I can be envious of. She’s attractive and skinny and elegant 

7. [+1373] I seriously miss Liu Shishi <3

8. [+608] She’s lighter than me even though she’s 7 months pregnant. I miss you so much, jiejie

9. [+567] Her figure remains this good <3 <3 <3 

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