Friday, September 15, 2017

Just how blissful is Ruby Lin? Wallace Huo appears very protective of her

Ruby Lin who wore a bare-back dress and Wallace Huo who kept his eyes on her back, afraid that his wife would be taken advantage of!

After a while, Wallace Huo still feels uneasy, hence he pretended to rest his arm at the back of Ruby Lin's chair!

A camera passed by her back, Wallace Huo is even more unable to bear with it, directly using his arm to cover his wife's back!

Ruby Lin talked to the man beside her so he came nearer and Wallace immediately placed a hand on the man's shoulder, deathly afraid of him leaning onto Ruby Lin, 'Protect Wife Mode' instantly activated!

[824 shares] [6784 comments] [23442 likes]
1. [+10k] I just detest Lin 

2. [+10k] I saw another saying that they're faking it. Huo saw someone taking photos and immediately hugged Lin. When it comes to you, it becomes another story, fuck 

3. [+8396] I've already seen many similar posts. She's start to spend money on whitewashing :) 

4. [+4616] Granny, did someone buy articles from you?

5. [+4039] It's too obvious that Lin is using Huo to whitewash. There's a feeling as though she is forcefully making things up about being a loving couple 

6. [+3896] All I know is that they did not donate

7. [+3519]] Whitewashing??

8. [+2625] Disgusting Taiwan-poison bitch Ruby Lin

9. [+2389] Disgusting. 

10 .[+2231] First photo, his eyes weren't on her back. Second photo, his arm was just relaxing. Third and fourth, phototaking

11. [+1402] I heard she didn't donate. Is it true?

12. [+1347] Ever since Huo married Auntie Lin, I strangely just cannot like him again!

13. [+956] Where are my scriptwriter sisters? You can start writing a drama now 

14. [+791] This... You can even use this to whitewash???

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