Saturday, June 22, 2019

Keep Running: Chen Xuedong helps Angelababy overcome her fear of heights

(T/N: pic from the internet, video in link)

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1. [+15k] She dares to sit on rollercoasters. I refuse to believe she has a fear of heights. Attention seeking again
-[+9418] I also found her too pretentious... was she ever scared of the rollercoaster rides and flying chairs? This is so short... she has the cheek to say she has a phobia of heights

2. [+11k] Dong-dong is seriously really good at counseling. Baby is very brave too

3. [+10k] At that very moment, I changed the channel. I can’t understand why her resources are this good
-[+4425] Because her husband is Huang Xiaoming

4. [+9878] She’s neither fearful of heights nor water, she’s just fearful for her implants... what shall she do if her nose becomes crooked?

5. [+3941] Love baby

6. [+3883] Handsome psychologist Dong-dong is so heart-warning! He’s constantly gently assuring his teammates

7. [+2885] Baby is amazing

8. [+2377] Thanks to Dong-dong for his help. Baby, go for it!

9. [+2348] She can just go over it but she still has to pretend. I’m reminded of the scene where she screamed in happiness

10. [+1985] Jiayou!! Baby!! It’s not easy overcoming your fears, you have to work hard!!

11. [+1465] Love baby 

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