Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Taiwanese media reveals that Darren Wang has a permanent girlfriend named Ivy

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1. [+9611] The face of an internet celeb...

2. [+6503] Permanent girlfriend? It’s the first time I’m hearing this haha
-[+201] It means the industry is filled with flings

3. [+4297] Will he eat her in one bite when they kiss
-[+227] Won’t her chin stab him if he eats her?

4 [+1550] Permanent girlfriend? It’s the first time I’m hearing this haha

5. [+1138] Permanent girlfriend? What a way to put it hahaha

6. [+541] Having a meal together means you’re dating. Changing your display pic means you’ve broken up. 9 in 10 of such news are fake

7. [+466] If this tea isn’t confirmed, stop drinking it. They just took a pic and had a meal together and they’re dating?? 

Qiu rejects Aaron Yan’s apology; Yan bursts into tears, denying that he filmed the explicit video

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