Monday, April 13, 2020

Let’s talk about details that make someone lose all his/her likability

(T/N: pic randomly taken from my phone; original link had none) 

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1. [+14k] When you happily share something about yourself and are made to feel bad instead  

2. [+11k] Joking about someone’s figure

3. [+10k] When boys leave super long nails

4. [+10k] People who disrespect workers in the service industry

5. [+8287] Always interrupting others to talk about himself/herself

6. [+7843] Eyeing you from head to toe 

7. [+7391] Scolding someone’s parents 

8. [+6001] Even if you’re really extroverted and cheerful, please don’t speak super loudly when you’re out with me

9. [+5587] People who reply super slowly
-[+6609] Not everyone carries their phone all the time 

10. [+5446] During the singing contest at our military training, there was this boy who jested about Cai Xukun. Everyone was initially amused. One joke is sufficient but that guy began to cue CXK every time and it’s seriously greasy and disgusting 

11. [+4018] Failing to keep promises

12. [+3378] Flirting with you but doing the same to a bunch of other people all at the same time

13. [+2413] We were chatting and I said a whole chunk of words and she just changed the topic...

(T/N: there’s not a particular detail that puts me off but I realize that whenever I’m put off by someone, whatever puts me off always always always reflects malice (or the lack of kindness?) I think I’m very much put off by the lack of kindness/malice. You can hurt someone accidentally but it’s always apparent when someone does it with malicious intents. That’s what’s revolting to me. What about you? ;-D) 

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