Saturday, September 7, 2019

Jeffery Tung issues an apology for his subpar hosting abilities

(T/N: pic from the internet as there isn't one in the link)

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1. [+20k] It’s such a big event. I can understand your lack of experience but at least do your homework before going up on stage. You should at least be able to read the words smoothly, isn’t it? You should also be able to allow even the most simple procedure to go on smoothly, shouldn’t you? But you couldn’t even remember to take photos
-[+5052] I’m an idol producer fan too but he deserves criticism with such standards. To be honest, the organizers made a mistake hiring him as a host. He may as well have just been sent as a guest
-[+2986] Witnessing people whitewashing so happily, I nearly thought I was blind
-[+2806] Speechless upon seeing the comments... can’t believe people are praising such a horrendous host. No wonder celebs never ever know their worth... they get praised no matter what they do. Brain-damaged fans can turn a normal person into a useless one. True and genuine fans are fans like you.

2. [+14k] When the industry is trashy to a certain level, those with abilities are buried while people like you with all sorts of connections and relatives get to become celebrities. What kind of a mess were you hosting? Even a host needs abilities. I’m dying of laughter. Just go back, take some pics, and burn your money on promoting yourself.
-[+4214] Seriously, a bunch of fans controlling the comments. It’s tough hosting for 3 hours?????? It’s good enough he can open his mouth?????? The confusion of the century
-[+2512] Finally someone speaking the truth

3. [+9267] You need to do your homework. If there’s anything amusing, you can only tell us jelly. If you tell anyone else, we’ll get jealous, okay?

4. [+5508] I watched the live broadcast after seeing the hot search. All I can say is serve you right for all the scolding you received. Do the organizers not want to beat you up already? If you even put in a semblance of effort, things wouldn’t be like this. It’s too...

5. [+4276] Jiayou, little baby, we’ll wait for you

6. [+4150] At such a young age, don’t just be concerned with dating. Since you chose this path, please get busy with your career

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