Friday, July 26, 2019

What do you think of the body of Jiang Jinfu's new girlfriend (Julieta)?

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1. [+21k] He is a language genius

2. [+9724] It’s his girlfriend. Why do you care so much? You fools~

3. [+7991] Great figure. Big chest, thin legs, pale skin... she’s the sexy type

4. [+4091] If he was really guilty, the Japanese police wouldn’t release him. Both the Japanese newspapers and police can’t prove his guilt, yet some people are speaking so certainly...

5. [+3473] Her top half is so bulky but her bottom half remains slim... envious!

6. [+2933] Let him date if he wants to. His girlfriend isn’t in the industry, who are you to judge her?

7. [+2102] Why judge her figure?

8. [+653] This is full marks. She has whatever you want. Body 10. Face 9.

9. [+530] Such a figure is popular overseas. Healthy body

10. [+471] Am I the only one who find her ugly? :) 

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