Tuesday, April 9, 2019

6-year-old boy trends for being a Yang Mi doppelgänger

 The above is the little boy

The above is young Yang Mi

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1. [+8309] Little boy?? He’s so refined-looking. They do look rather similar

2. [+6047] ... actually, he doesn’t look too similar to the young Yang Mi

3. [+4016] He doesn’t look that similar to Yang Mi

4. [+3895] This little kid is very cute but he doesn’t look like Yang Mi

5. [+3786] Don’t compare the level of attractiveness between a male and a female. You can do so, but it’s pointless

6. [+3328] Yang Mi was a cutie when she was a kid. This little boy is cute too

7. [+2523] He is attractive but they really don’t look similar

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