Monday, June 29, 2020

The Little Nyonya airs their first two episodes


(T/N: vid in link)

[4812 shares] [13k comments] [170k likes]

1. [+12k] Isn’t it the Thai drama I watched as a child?

-[+10k] It’s a Singaporean drama

-[+4748] This is our childhood from Singapore 

-[+4394] The old version is from Singapore 

-[+4306] Isn’t is Malaysian  

2. [+9918] I watched this when I was in middle school, but what’s this remake? 

3. [+6655] But still

4. [+4809] Is it the drama I’m thinking of? 

5. [+4268] ??? Isn’t this the drama I watched as a kid

6. [+2572] I love Singapore’s version. I feel like it’ll be better if they change the male lead in this remake. Otherwise, we’ll become confused. And Singapore’s version is really the special one, you can’t exceed it

7. [+1556] What’s the makeup brand? Such amazing waterproof function

8. [+743] Nie Chuyin, is that you? Nie Chuyin? 

9. [+687] My god! I adored this when I was a child, and my heart broke so much watching it

10. [+633] Dai Xiangyu acted in the original too, right???? I almost thought they were airing the original again 

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