Wednesday, May 8, 2019

HK Media: Liu Shishi suffers from PND and weeps all day long + Liu Shishi’s side denies

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1. [+5876] All they need is one mouth to make up rumors
-[+517] Postnatal depression is the result of being penniless with no one doting on you
-[+447] Postnatal depression? Let’s see if you can be depressed after giving birth when you have an endless amount of money to spend

2. [+4517] Of course this isn’t true. The HK media are a lying bunch!! Rest well, beauty

3. [+3721] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so she even weeps all day long. Did the HK media install CCTV in her house or did they read too many romance novels?

4. [+2789] When she just got married, you claimed she was pregnant. When she wasn’t pregnant, you claimed she couldn’t get pregnant. When she was pregnant, you claimed she had test tube twins. When she successfully gave birth to one baby, you claimed she aborted the other. When she finished childbirth, you claimed she has a bad relationship with her mother-in-law and has postnatal depression such that she cries all day long. What kind of rumors will you come up with next? Let’s wait and see

5. [+2350] Stop your rumors and let her rest well

6. [+1783] Please leave Jie’s private life alone!!

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