Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dylan Wang says he’s sick of seeing Shen Yue

(T/N: pic cr as tagged)

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1. [+1828] Dylan Wang is younger than Shen Yue by 1 year. He's a straightforward and honest boy who has no malicious intentions towards Shen Yue. She just isn't his type. Don't take it wrongly and watch the show happily <3

2. [+1753] Taking out of context!

3. [+1635] Wa hahahahahahaha

4. [+988] Shouldn’t the younger brother despise the older sister?

5. [+733] Dylan Wang, when Shen Yue comes the next episode, you’re going to regret what you said

6. [+698] Wang Helu? How are you supposed to pronounce this?

7. [+481] My baby son is so cute

8. [+310] Hahahahah the whole world knows that Wu Yi likes Shen Yue

9. [+177] Shen Yue is ugly to death. Tacky

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